In Italy I saw two Indy ice creams, Germany got at least one but I could not find any here in Austria. So I ended up writing to Nestlé (= Schöller, the name of their ice cream brand) for some answers. And I got one: Sehr geehrter Herr Krasny -
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage und Ihr Interesse an unseren Produkten.
Wir haben uns entschieden den Indiana Jones Becher in Österreich nicht in unserem Sortiment aufzunehmen und stattdessen z.B. Winnetou, Hello Kitty und unseren Goal Cup einzuführen welche auch ganz tolle Kinderprodukte sind und Sammeleffekte bieten.
Herzliche Grüße und einen schönen Sommer!
Ihr Nestlé Schöller Team
If you can't read German, they just mocked me by telling me to be happy with the great Hello Kitty cup that they have added to their goods.
Here is my reply: Fuck you, Nestlé! If you think anyone waited 19 years for a Hello Kitty cup or some soccer championship crap then your marketing guys are even worse than your products. At least I don't feel bad for never buying your lousy ice cream.
Here is another shot from what we not got: The Indy movie cup with vanilla/cacao ice cream, each coming with one of seven collectible figures. I am developing an growing urge for a short trip to Italy to buy some ... ("short" is a relative term, it's a four hours drive to Italy)