Monday, October 19, 2009

Indy parle français

I missed this one but I am still happy for the French speaking folks: Last Year not only the translations of the six Rob MacGregor novels got re-released, after all those years the two Martin Caidin and the four Max McCoy novels got translated into French!

A new publisher (Milday) took over and the re-released Rob MacGregor got a little bit renamed. For example 1992 the first book was titled "IJ Peril a Delphes", now it is "IJ et la Peril a Delphes". This kinda reminds me of the time when Mr. Lucas renamed our beloved "Raiders of the Lost Ark" into "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" - but at least we have not fight "Han shot first" wars in the Indy universe ;-)

I have added all 12 new covers in the IJC library.

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